Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Time Management

Everyone knows taking care of a family with two parents have a hard time finding time for everything life throws their way. As an adult you have many responsibilities, work, family, and yourself. That responsibility and stress doubles for a single parent. It seems impossible that one can't get it all done in 24 hours, seven days a week. Time management is key to make those seven days a week feel like a vacation, and stresses and responsibilities feel as a spa. Here are a few tips to help you feel happy, single, and organized, while still taking care of a family.

1. Assess your time. Look closely at how you spend your time. Experts say that most people spend up to an hour a day on tasks that could be put on hold or completely eliminated from their schedule.

2. Prioritize. The key to organization is knowing what's a priority and what can wait. Experts suggest that you divide your to-do list into three sections: those things that need to be taken care of immediately, those that can get done anytime during the week, and those that are long-term or ongoing projects.

3. Think ahead. Look for ways to delete steps from a task or cut the amount of time you spend getting ready. For instance, prepare as much as you can for morning the night before. Or set the table for the next meal with the dishes you unload from the dishwasher.

4. Organize, organize, organize. Get a file cabinet and keep a copy of everything. Keep a folder for each child so you know exactly where to find all of their information (school, doctors, etc.). Make copies of things such as phone numbers and class lists, and keep one at home and one at work.

5. Pick your battles. Decide what you can live with and what really gets under your skin. Maybe you can't stand a dirty floor, but you can live without the bed made just right.

For all the tips and other articles on time management please visit: Parent's Magazine Time Management

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